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Our Vision

Our Vision

: A world where life is valued and protected, free from the injustice of the death penalty. Communities healed through restorative justice, where individuals are held accountable while pathways to redemption and rehabilitation are prioritized. Equal justice for all, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or circumstance. Mission: To lead the fight to abolish the death penalty in Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania through legislative advocacy, education, and community engagement. To champion restorative justice practices that prioritize healing, accountability, and community repair. To build a network of diverse allies committed to dismantling systemic racism and bias within the criminal justice system. Core Values: Sanctity of life: Every human life has inherent worth and deserves to be protected. Restorative justice: Justice should focus on healing victims, holding individuals accountable, and rebuilding communities.
Racial equity: The criminal justice system must be free from bias and discrimination. Empathy and compassion: We approach all individuals with understanding and a desire to see them flourish. Community engagement: We build partnerships and empower communities to advocate for justice. Policy change: We work strategically to enact legislation that reflects our values. Commitments: Lobbying for specific legislation: Advocate for bills that repeal the death penalty and implement restorative justice practices in each target state. Specific Legislation: Florida: Supporting the “Second Chance Act” to expand parole eligibility and the “Fair Justice Initiative Act” to address racial disparities in sentencing.

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