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The death penalty is a complex issue with both moral and practical consideration

The death penalty is a complex issue with both moral and practical consideration

The death penalty is a complex issue with both moral and practical considerations. Beyond the arguments about whether it is right or wrong, there are additional consequences to a country employing capital punishment. The passage you provided highlights how the death penalty can negatively impact diplomacy.
Here’s how the death penalty can be a burden on international relations:

• Strained Relationships: The United States is one of the few developed nations that still has the death penalty. This can put a strain on relationships with other countries that have abolished it. Other countries may view the US as hypocritical or barbaric for clinging to capital punishment.

• Limited Influence on Human Rights: If the US uses the death penalty, it weakens its position when criticizing human rights abuses by other nations. Countries can point to the US’s own use of capital punishment as evidence that they are not alone. This can make it harder for the US to advocate for better human rights practices around the world.

• Treaty Issues: The death penalty can complicate the ratification of international treaties, especially those related to human rights. Some treaties may specifically forbid the death penalty, or restrict its use in ways that conflict with US law.

These are just some of the ways that the death penalty can act as a burden on international diplomacy. Proponents of capital punishment argue that other countries should not be allowed to dictate US law, but the reality is that foreign policy is often a matter of compromise and cooperation. The death penalty can make such cooperation more difficult.



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The death penalty is a complex issue with both moral and practical consideration

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