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Core Values

Core Values

Empathy: Seeking to understand and share the feelings of others, and acting with that understanding in mind. Equality: Treating all people with fairness and respect, regardless of their background, beliefs, or circumstances. Forgiveness: Letting go of resentment and anger, and offering second chances to ourselves and others. Hope: Believing in the possibility of a better future and working to create it. Inclusion: Creating spaces where everyone feels welcome and valued. Joy: Finding and spreading happiness in the midst of life’s challenges. Peace: Promoting inner and outer peace through conflict resolution and non-violence. Reconciliation: Building bridges between people and communities that have been divided. Respect: Treating everyone with dignity and courtesy, regardless of their differences. Service: Using our time, talents, and resources to benefit others. Solidarity: Standing with others in their struggles and celebrating their successes. Stewardship: Caring for the earth and its resources wisely for future generations. Transformation: Seeking personal and societal growth towards a more just and loving world. Unity: Working together for the common good, despite our differences. Guiding Principles: Love in action: Demonstrating our love for others through concrete acts of kindness and service. Radical hospitality: Welcoming everyone without judgment or prejudice. Non-violent resistance: Standing up for what is right without resorting to violence. Truth-telling: Speaking honestly and with integrity, even when it’s difficult. Humility: Recognizing our own limitations and learning from others. Celebration: Taking time to appreciate the good things in life.ha Commitment: Writing letters to men on death row. Through these letters, we convey our care and concern, assuring them of our unwavering presence in their lives. We share our experiences with them, offering a listening ear as they share their own stories. We send them books, magazines, or newspapers to maintain their connection to the

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec admodum intellegat eu, ad vim solum percipitu…

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