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Unequal Shadows: Biblical, Equal, and Restorative Justice for Black Men on Death Row

Unequal Shadows: Biblical, Equal, and Restorative Justice for Black Men on Death Row

The stark reality of Black men disproportionately represented on death row in the United States casts a long and disturbing shadow on the nation’s justice system. This essay explores the possibility of a more equitable and restorative path through the lens of Biblical principles, the fight for racial justice, and the burgeoning field of restorative justice. We begin by acknowledging the historical and systemic racism that has infected the American legal system. Decades of biased policing, sentencing practices, and a justice system more focused on punishment than rehabilitation have created a death row disproportionately populated by Black men. This essay argues that a system built on these foundations cannot deliver true justice for anyone, let alone uphold the ideals of equality and redemption found in Biblical teachings.

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Unequal Shadows: Biblical, Equal, and Restorative Justice for Black Men on Death Row

The stark reality of Black men disproportionately represented on death row in the United States casts a long and disturbing […]

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